Feel the 64GB RAM…

…3600MHz 16CL.

All this to satisfy the minimum requirements of Premiere Pro 2021 memory leak edition.

Coastline paradox – do coastlines have an infinite perimeter?

The infinite perimeter arises from the assumption that coastlines can fract infinitely (as in fractals).

While mathematical fractals have infinite perimeter, coastlines eventually will just be bounded by the perimeter of all atoms on the coast combined.

So… No, they don’t.

But you might ask how do we know which atoms do we consider part of the coastline?

That, of course, is a question best left for a debate on ontology.

Pbee Tone Generator

JavaScript frequency generator.


This cute little tone generator is used for replicating a science experiment featured in a Steve Mould video.

Essentially, we generate pure tones near or close to the resonant frequency of a body of air enclosed by a membrane, causing the membrane to vibrate. Then, we visualize the vibrations through a laser beam.

Time travel / teleportation machines cannot be constructed, or this universe is not infinite

If the universe is infinite, then all possible states should exist.

If time travel / teleportation machines can be constructed, then it can be represented by at least one state.

If the universe is infinite and time travel / teleportation machines can be constructed, then there would be an infinite number of time travel / teleportation machines.

If there’s an infinite number of time travel / teleportation machines, then every point in time and space would be the target of an infinite number of time travel / teleportation machines, and there would be constant chaos.

Therefore, time travel / teleportation machines cannot be constructed, or this universe is not infinite.

Storage and media upgrade

Just lost a few terabytes of data from hard disk corruption. Took a really long time recovering what’s left.

About time for a long overdue storage upgrade.

Added a new 2-bay NAS in RAID 1 for data redundancy, and as a bonus also a Plex server for media streaming needs ;D

New server

Just got a new server and migrated everything over.

This one’s got 4 times the CPU and RAM.

No GPU for bitcoin mining though.